Sunday, November 11, 2007

Components of an Effective Scale Development Process

To develop the ISD Performance Inventory a four-step scale development process serves as a reliable method to ensure the development of a sound measure. This process includes construct delineation, item generation, pilot testing, and instrument validation. Since the inventory must align to competency standards a competency matrix made up of the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance, and Instruction (IBSTPI) and National Workforce Center for Emerging Technologies (NWCET) competency standards was created and used to judge the representativeness of each scale item to each competency and performance statement in the combined set of standards.

The ISD Performance Inventory is a 443-item assessment measure. The inventory contains seven scales, which include: Professional Foundations (PF), Planning and Analysis (PA), Design and Development (DD), Implementation and Management (IM), Digital Media (DM), Technical Writing (TW), and Web Development and Administration (WDA). The inventory was developed to align to industry competency standards defined by IBSTPI and NWCET. The Table below shows the total number of competencies, performance statements, and scale items for each scale.

Table: ISD Performance Inventory Scale Composition

The first four scales are based on IBSTPI standards and include the PF, PA, DD, and IM scales. The last three scales are based on NWCET standards and include the DM, TW, and WDA scales.

Watch for the latest ISD Performance Inventory Spotlight Updates.

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